Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs

  • Franck Cappello, Co-Director of the Inria - Illinois Joint Laboratory on PetaScale Computing, since 2009

Participation In other International Programs

Stic AmSud: BioCloud-EEAmSud

Participants : Christine Eisenbeis, Alessandro Ferreira Leite, Claude Tadonki.

BioCloud-EEAmSud is a cooperation project integrated by Brazil, Chile and France following the 2012 STIC-AmSud call. Partners in Brazil are Universidade de Brasilia, Universidade Federal Fluminense, and EMBRAPA-Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (CENARGEN), through the support of the Coordination of Improvement of Senior Staff of the Ministry of Education in Brazil (CAPES). In Chile, the main partner is Universidad de Santiago de Chile, through the support of the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research of Chile (CONICYT). In France, the institutions involved are Mines ParisTech (CRI) and Inria-Saclay, through the support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MAEE). The international project coordinator is Pr. Maria Emília Machado Telles Walter (UnB). Alessandro Ferreira Leite' thesis work is a joint University of Brazilia - université Paris-Sud 11 thesis and is partially supported by BioCloud-EEAmSud. Maria Emilia Machado Telles Walter and Alba Cristian de Melo visited Grand-Large in 2013, as well as Taina Rajol.